Kettlebell Deadlift

step by step guide:

  1. Walk up to a kettlebell so that it’s directly between your feet with a shoulder width stance.

  2. Reach down and grab the kettlebell and flatten out your back by squeezing your chest up and pointing your butt backwards.

  3. Stand up by pressing your feet into the floor until you’re standing up as tall as possible.

Helpful cues:

  1. Don’t think about pulling the weight up. Think about pushing the ground away. This will help you to keep your back muscles tight and supported.

Common mistakes:

  1. Picking the dumbbell up with it too far out in front of your body. Make sure it is right in between your feet, directly underneath your body before you start.

  2. Rounding your back. Keep your back tight and push the weight off the ground with your legs. Don’t think about pulling it up with your back.