Palloff Press Tutorial

Learn how to properly Palloff Press

watch the video and read the description below to learn helpful cues and avoid common mistakes of performing the Palloff press exercise.

Uploaded by Become Better SPPT on 2020-01-08.


The palloff press is an anti rotation exercise for the ab muscles.  It challenges you to stay tight and not let the band pull you towards the rack as you extend your arms. 

In order to set up for a palloff press, attach a band to an immovable object such as the post of a squat rack around the height of your rib cage. 

Once you’re set up, grab the band and place it between both of your hands and step directly out from the rack 2-3 steps and face 90 degrees away from the rack. 

Place your feet shoulder width apart and slightly bend your knees and sit your hips back into an “athletic” position.

Hold the band between your hands at your chest level, and then press straight out towards the direction you are facing.  Hold for about a second, then return the band to your chest. This is one completed rep.

Helpful Cues:

  • Brace your abs during the whole set. 

  • Don’t relax in between reps. This will make it easier to maintain proper form throughout the duration of the set. 

  • Focus on Pressing Straight. Don’t let the band pull you

Common Mistakes:

  • Pressing the band any direction other than straight out. 

  • Twisting your body to press away from the rack either.  Resist the urge to rotate into or away from the band tension.

    Other names for the Palloff Press:

  • Poloff Press (Mispelled by Coach Dan)

    Common palloff Press Variations:

  • Palloff Press Hold