Air Squat/Bucket Squat

STep By Step Guide:

  1. Place your heels about shoulder width apart and angle your toes slightly outward.

  2. Begin squatting down until your hips drop below your knees and then stand back up.

Helpful Cues:

  1. Keep your knees pointed in the same direction as your toes during the entire movement

  2. Find a bucket, a backpack, a sandbag, or other similar object that you can load and use that to do some squats.

Common Mistakes:

  1. Not squatting low enough. Stopping before your hips drop below your knees will limit the amount of muscle that you are training and make the exercise less effective.

  2. Not keeping your knees in line with your toes. Allowing the knees to cave inward to a significant degree can place excess unwanted stress on the knees.